(Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity)
The City continues on a path to provide improved Ambulance and EMS services through your local Fire Rescue Department and has taken the steps to accomplish this through Collier County and the Florida House of Representatives.
Why are we here?
Marco Island has no control over our ambulance and EMS service, the requests for needed two full time ambulances have been repeatedly turned down and our County taxes continue to increase to pay for EMS improvements to other areas of growth in Collier County. Additionally, 64% of unincorporated Collier County voted to turn the County EMS service over to an independent Fire Taxing District leaving us with uncertainty in who will provide this service. We also know these Independent Fire Taxing Districts have decided to have a referendum vote on March 2020 to consolidate their Departments and EMS appears to be not far behind this consolidation. This will create one Independent Taxing District County wide and excludes the cities of Marco Island and Naples. It is very important that Marco Island is prepared for these changes and you must stay informed on the issue and exercise your right to vote on this issue.
The consultant the City hired has completed the report and it outlines how the City can improve service by providing two full-time ambulances and one back up ambulance. The estimated cost to taxpayers at the time of the study is approximately $50.00 per $500,000.00 ($25.00 per $250,000.00) of your taxable property value. The City will continue to be transparent bringing complete information to our citizens before you cast your vote in August 2018.
- The City of Marco Island has submitted the local COPCN application to Collier County. This was submitted in December 2017. This application is still under review.
- Florida House Representative Rommel’s House Bill 1395 will allow you, The Citizens, to vote whether The City of Marco Island exercise its right to local control in providing our own Ambulance and EMS service. This Vote will take place on August 28, 2018. House Bill 1395 can be monitored by going to the front page of the City of Marco Island website
The City Council is currently developing the language for the Referendum vote and discussion was heard at the 2/5/18 Council meeting. Councilors will forward their individual input on wording to Manager Niblock and City Attorney and additional discussion will be heard at the next Council meeting.